
Showing posts from January, 2022

Journey to an Antique Land by Henry Miller

SOLD by Global Booksearch and Sales See our customer comments and browse our inventory online 24/7/365 Journey to an Antique Land by Henry Miller "HENRY MILLER (1891-1980) was an American writer and painter infamous for breaking with existing literary forms and developing a new sort of "novel" that is a mixture of novel, autobiography, social criticism, philosophical reflection, surrealist free association, and mysticism, one that is distinctly always about and expressive of the real-life Henry Miller and yet is also fictional. His most characteristic works of this kind are "Tropic of Cancer," "Tropic of Capricorn," and "Black Spring." His books were banned in the United States for their lewd content until 1964 when a court ruling overturned this order, acknowledging Miller’s work as literature in what became one of the most celebrated victories of the sexual revolution."

Banished & Embraced The Chinese in Fiddletown and the Mother Lode by Elaine Zorbas first edition

This book "focuses on Fiddletown and the residents of the Chew Kee Store, while examining Chinese life and culture in that broader context."  

Iokaste The Novel of the Mother-Wife of Oedipus by Victoria Grossack and Alice Underwood signed first edition

From the back cover: "Charmed by a foreign prince, she does not know she is fallng in love with her own son..."  

The Complete Apocrypha 2018 Edition with Enoch, Jasher, and Jubilees by Coalition, Covenant Christian Coalition

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Yourowquains, a Wyandot Indian Queen The Story of Caty Sage by Bill Bland signed first edition hardcover

This is the "story of Caty Sage, a white woman born in 1787 into a pioneer family who lived on Cripple Creek in Southwestern Virginia. Caty lived to be 66, and all but the first five of those years she lived as a Wyandot Indian." What History Says “Of all the savage allies of Great Britain in the West, the Wyandots were the most powerful. This arose not so much from the number of their warriors, as from their superior intelligence. Their long association with the French at Detroit, and, after that post fell into the possession of Great Britain, with its later occupants, had advanced them in many respects over the surrounding nations.”  Butterfield, C. W. An Historical Account of the Expedition Against Sandusky Under Col. William Crawford In 1782. Cincinnati: Robert Clarke & Co, 1873. print. (164-5) Follow this link to learn more about the Wyandot Indian Nation.

Spring Creeks by Mike Lawson foreword by Thomas McGuane first edition hardcover

Excellent gift copy. Pristine. Written by "one of the most revered fly fisherman in the business."

Trout Flies: Proven Patterns by Gary LaFontaine Hardcover

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Caddisflies by Gary LaFontaine Hardcover. Lyons Press 1981

"A magnificent piece of work ... It should be read and re-read by every serious angler. Dave Engerbretson"

Fly Patterns of Umpqua Feather Merchants: The World's 1, 500 Best Flies by Randall Kaufmann second edition

15 famous fly designers describe in detail their favorite flys.

Poul Jorgensen's Favorite Flies and how to tie them by Poul Jorgensen first edition

From the back cover: "... full-color, step-by-step photos and recipes for more than 150 patterns ... intended for tiers of all skill levels ..."

Classic Salmon Fly Materials The Reference to All Materials Used in Constructing Classic Salmon Flies from Start to Finish by Michael D Radencich signed first edition

From the dust jacket: "A gallery of classic salmon fly materials features Radencich's stunning photography of the feathers used in the art of fly-tying."

Tying Emergers A Complete Guide by Jim Schollmeyer and Ted Leeson signed first edition

From the back cover: "217 emerger patterns, each with an individual fly plate and recipie; over 2,200 step-by-step photos."

Cambria Treasures Interviews with Noteworthy Cambrians by Darren Westlund signed first edition

From the introduction: "How did I become a Journalist of the Soul? ...who could get an interview with a publishing tycoon like William Randolph Hearst? ...For a time while the Cambria Independent was in existence, I was its Creative Director..." Notables include: William Randolph Hearst, Warren Leopold, Art Beal, Warren Talcott, Jean Brody, Henry Tewksbury, Phoebe Palmer, Peter Fels, Paul and Louise Squibb.

What the Trout Said About the Design of Trout Flies and Other Mysteries by Datus Proper revised and augmented edition

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The Dry Fly and Fast Water by George M L La Branche first edition

This book was "written to fill a need by the cominng of the brown trout to America."

Selective Trout Revised and Expanded by Doug Swisher and Carl Richards

This book was "hailed as the most revolutionary trout-fishing imitation of the twentieth century." 

Fishing Bamboo One Man's Love Affair with Bamboo Fly Rods by John Gierach first edition

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In the Ring of the Rise by Vincent C Marinaro

 "A startling and penetrating look at trout behavior and riseforms with brilliant, practical insights into approach and presentation."

Fishing Atlantic Salmon The Flies and the Patterns by Joseph D Bates, Jr. and Pamela Bates Richards

The ultimate reference to Atlantic Salmon fishing featuring instructions for tying more than 500  classic and contemporary  patterns. .

Fly Tier's Benchside Reference to Techniques and Dressing Styles by Ted Leeson and Jim Schollmeyer SOLD by Global Booksearch and Sales

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The Dry Fly: New Angles by Gary LaFontaine

  Expert angler Gary LaFontaine provides the reader with his insights into matching & fishing dry flies

Tying the Classic Salmon Fly: A Modern Approach to Traditional Techniques edited by Michael D Radencich, first edition

Highly detailed tome on the techniques of creating salmon flys.

The Angler's Bamboo by Luis Marden, first edition

   "The classic bamboo rod is the angler's and collector's treasure, and this book is the first definitive treatment of this rod's basic component-Tonkin bamboo."

A Wisp in the Wind: In Search of Bull Trout, Bamboo, and Beyond by Jerry Kustich, signed first edition

  "If split cane fly rods are the spiritual height of fly fishing,  then the R.L. Winston bamboo rod shop approaches a mystical place." 

Trout Hunter: The Way of an Angler by Rene Harrop, first edition

Fine gift copy.  Introduction by Andre Puyans Foreward by John Randolph  This is the first collection of provocative magazine articles  penned by Native American Rene Harrop,  one of the world's foremost fly tyers and fly-fishing guides.

Trout Fishing in the Catskills by Ed Van Put and Introduction by John Merwin, signed first edition

  This historical section is quite extensive.

A Master's Guide to Building a Bamboo Fly Rod by Everett Garrison and Hoagy Carmichael

  Gift copy for a highly skilled Master Craftsman

The Lenten Covenant: A Devotional Commentary on the Triodion of the Orthodox Church by Contos, Leonidas C. first edition

Quite scarce.

Campus Unrest: Hearings before the Special Subcommittee on Education by House of Representatives signed first edition

  Signature on the front cover as shown is Leo McClatchy, prominent newspaper reporter/owner, and one of the testifiers at this House of Representatives Hearing April and May of 1969.  Copies are quite rare. The photo is specific to this listing.