I Do Not Consent My Fight Against Medical Cancel Culture by Simone Gold first edition trade paperback Bombardier Books/Post Hill Press (2020)

I Do Not Consent My Fight Against Medical Cancel Culture by Simone Gold first edition trade paperback Bombardier Books/Post Hill Press (2020)  The back cover begins: "The bumper-sticker directive to 'follow the science' was actually an evasion of responsibility..."  #GlobalBooksearchandSales #COVID #MedicalCancelCulture  Learn more by following the link.  Browse our online inventory 24/7.  https://www.alibris.com/stores/globalbooksearchandsales/search?mtype=&searchtype=title&searchquery=I+Do+Not+Consent

The back cover begins: "The bumper-sticker directive to 'follow the science' was actually an evasion of responsibility..."