Draping & Designing with Scissors and Cloth 1920's by Sandra Ericson Spiralbound Antiquity Press, St. Helena, CA (2006)

Draping & Designing with Scissors and Cloth 1920's by Sandra Ericson Spiralbound Antiquity Press, St. Helena, CA (2006)   "Everyone can drape. It is playing with fabric in the purest sense..."  #GlobalBooksearchandSales #1920s #CostumeDesign #Dressmaking #PatternDesign   Learn more by following the link.  Browse our online inventory 24/7  https://www.alibris.com/stores/globalbooksearchandsales/search?mtype=&searchtype=title&searchquery=Draping+%26+Designing+with+Scissors+and+Cloth

"Everyone can drape. It is playing with fabric in the purest sense..."