Dryden High School Then and Now by Stella M Trapp signed first edition paperback DeWitt Historical Society, Ithaca, NY (1963)

Dryden High School Then and Now by Stella M Trapp signed first edition paperback DeWitt Historical Society, Ithaca, NY (1963)  RARE signed copy. Important source material. First-hand recollections of very early 1900s education in rural New York.  #GlobalBooksearchandSales #history #Dryden  Learn more by following the link.  Browse our online inventory 24/7  https://www.alibris.com/stores/globalbooksearchandsales/search?mtype=&searchtype=title&searchquery=Dryden+High+School

RARE signed copy. Important source material. First-hand recollections of very early 1900s education in rural New York.